
Hidden order in windswept sand

An interdisciplinary team including researchers from Leipzig University has analyzed an extensive collection of sand samples from so-called megaripple fields around the world and gained new insights into the composition of ...

Exploring parasite populations in savanna watering holes

The sun rises on the savannas of central Kenya. Grasses sway in the wind as hoof-steps fall on the dusty ground. A menagerie of Africa's iconic wildlife congregates around a watering hole to quench their thirst during the ...

Report: US carbon emissions grew in 2021

In the face of presidential orders and a flurry of legislation to curb carbon emissions, the volume of climate-warming gasses pumped into the atmosphere in the U.S. grew by more than 6 percent in 2021 after a pandemic-driven ...

In-fridge controller could scale up quantum computers

A collaboration between computer scientists and physicists at the University of Chicago broke through one of the key obstacles for large-scale quantum computing by figuring out how to move their control signals "inside the ...

A record 1,101 Florida manatees died in 2021. When will it end?

TAMPA, Fla.—It's been clear for months that 2021 would be the deadliest year on record for Florida's manatees. When the death count surpassed 1,000 in November, experts sounded the alarm, fearing the toll the winter months ...

Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again

The world's oceans are hotter than ever before, continuing their record-breaking temperature streak for the sixth straight year. The finding based on the latest data through 2021 comes at the end of the first year of the ...

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