
Climate change spurring frog extinctions: conservationists

Three Central American frog species have gone extinct and many others may soon follow as their populations are ravaged by a fungus that is spreading faster because of climate change, conservationists said Thursday.

How plants can help clean up oilsands tailing ponds

For every barrel of bitumen extracted in Alberta, about 1.5 barrels of non-recyclable tailings volume are produced. In 2019 alone, an estimated 1.5 million barrels of tailings were produced, which would take five to 10 years ...

CSIRO maps Darwin's hot spots and heat-health vulnerability

On the back of Darwin's record-breaking November heat, scientists from Australia's national science agency CSIRO have released two reports, one mapping the city's surface temperatures and one providing strategies to deal ...

Ghosts of glaciers past hint at future climate challenges

In order to predict how glaciers will respond to climate change in the future, scientists first need to understand how they've responded in the past. A team of scientists in the Cosmogenic Nuclide Lab at Columbia University's ...

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