
Video: Mars 360: The North Pole

Enjoy views of the martian north pole from all angles in this new animation from ESA's Mars Express.

How tree sparrows recognize foreign eggs in their nests

Many birds have reason to worry that the eggs in their nest might not be their own: birds often deposit eggs into other nests and it is not easy for parents to tell their eggs from others. Researchers at the University of ...

Scholars produce massive new cross-cultural Buddhist dictionary

Creating a 1.2 million–word dictionary devoted to the principles, practices, people, places and pennings of Buddhism might seem like the kind of feat possible only through the intervention of nirmanakaya, a kind of doppelganger ...

European storm surge spied by CryoSat

ESA's CryoSat satellite measured the storm surge from the recent North Sea storms, as high waters passed through the Kattegat sea between Denmark and Sweden.

US solar power sector small but growing

Solar power, only a minuscule part of the energy mix in the United States, is getting a boost from cheap panels, growing acceptance by large companies and chances for homeowners to rent solar systems.

Turbulent nature of menopause triggered by gene battles

The hormonal mayhem, reduced fertility and hot flushes experienced by a woman in the run up to menopause may owe to warfare between her own genes, according to a team of scientists working in the United Kingdom and Japan.

NASA snow mapper yielded optimized summer water operations

(Phys.org) —Unprecedented snowpack maps from NASA's prototype Airborne Snow Observatory mission helped water managers for 2.6 million residents of the San Francisco Bay Area achieve near-perfect water operations this summer, ...

Cotton waste becomes biodegradable packaging

Proprietary agricultural waste blends provided by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists to industry partners are being used in a new process that literally grows custom packaging products to protect computers and ...

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