
Solving another mystery of an amazing water walker

Walking on water may seem like a miracle to humans, but it is a ho-hum for the water strider and scientists who already solved the mystery of that amazing ability. Now researchers in Korea are reporting a long-sought explanation ...

'Golden bullet' shows promise for killing common parasite

Researchers in Australia report development of a new type of gold nanoparticle that destroys the parasite responsible for toxoplasmosis, a potentially serious disease acquired by handling the feces of infected cats or eating ...

Light sheds on new fibre's potential to change technology

Photonic crystal fibre’s ability to create broad spectra of light, which will be the basis for important developments in technology, has been explained for the first time in an article in the leading science journal Nature ...

Report: Wind farms to power British homes

Britain's secretary of business reportedly is backing a plan to have wind farms power all homes in the United Kingdom within 13 years.

Rare cranes make detour

Rare whooping cranes have appeared in an Illinois county for the first time since the 1800s.

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