
Quantum sensors for GPS-free orientation

How can we navigate airliners or allow military vehicles to stay on course without GPS or satellite signals? This is a problem for which quantum inertial sensors offer a solution. Harnessing quantum technology, they can take ...

New theory of electron spin to aid quantum devices

Electrons—those little subatomic particles that help make up the atoms in our bodies and the electricity flowing through your phone or computer right now—have some properties like mass and charge that will be familiar ...

An early universe analog built in a lab in Germany

A team of researchers at Universität Heidelberg has built an early universe analog in their laboratory using chilled potassium atoms. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes their simulator and ...

Fluid interfaces deform soft particles

Researchers in the Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interfaces show a new atomic force microscopy method to image the full 3D shape of soft particles adsorbed at fluid interfaces.

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