
NASA supercomputer shows how dust rings point to exo-Earths

(PhysOrg.com) -- Supercomputer simulations of dusty disks around sunlike stars show that planets nearly as small as Mars can create patterns that future telescopes may be able to detect. The research points to a new avenue ...

Transparency in politics can lead to greater corruption

Why are some countries more prone to political corruption? Viviana Stechina from Uppsala University, Sweden, has investigated why corruption among the political elite was more extensive in Argentina than in Chile during ...

New spintronics effect could lead to magnetic batteries

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists have recently discovered that heating one side of a magnetized nickel-iron rod causes electrons to rearrange themselves according to their spins. This so-called "spin Seebeck effect" could lead ...

Making waves: Mathematicians crack quantum chaos conjecture

The American Institute of Mathematics announces that Soundararajan and Roman Holowinsky have proven a significant version of the quantum unique ergodicity conjecture. Their work, based in the pure mathematics area of number ...

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