
Old grasslands show high biodiversity and conservation value

"The grass is always greener on the other side," as the saying goes, but in this case, it's more diverse. Researchers from Japan have discovered that old grasslands have higher plant diversity than new ones, and that grassland ...

A new evergreen species of Rhamnaceae found in Guangxi

Rhamnella in the family of Rhamnaceae is a small genus. To date, 10 species have been accepted into this genus. In field investigations, researchers from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden (XTBG) found two Rhamnella ...

Mutant tomato helps to crack the secrets of fruiting

It may sound like something out of a science fiction B-movie, but with the help of a mutant tomato, researchers from Japan have discovered that the development process of fruit rewires their central metabolism pathway.

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