
A cold case heats up again

Twenty-five years ago, a U of A professor together with a newly minted alumnus, John Geiger, '81 BA, published Frozen in Time, a shocking and influential account of the Franklin expedition's disastrous final days. Lead poisoning. ...

Experiment makes energy savings a game

Let's face it: We're energy hogs. We want more light, we flip a switch. If we're hot, we crank up the AC, without a second thought on the power grid strain. It's what economists call inelastic demand – the resource is widely ...

Addressing the weak optical absorption of graphene

Graphene-based photodetectors have attracted strong interest because of their exceptional physical properties, which include an ultra-fast response across a broad spectrum, a strong electron–electron interaction and photocarrier ...

Simulating the south Napa earthquake

Lawrence Livermore seismologist Artie Rodgers is tapping into LLNL's supercomputers to simulate the detailed ground motion of last month's magnitude 6.0 south Napa earthquake.

Engineer aims to connect the world with ant-sized radios

(Phys.org) —A Stanford engineering team has built a radio the size of an ant, a device so energy efficient that it gathers all the power it needs from the same electromagnetic waves that carry signals to its receiving antenna ...

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