
Sensational grave find in Cypriote Bronze Age city

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has discovered one of the richest graves from the Late Bronze Age ever found on the island of Cyprus. The grave and its offering pit, located adjacent the Bronze ...

European aircraft to use satellite communication

The European aviation sector is planning to introduce satellite communication between aircraft and the ground, resulting in fewer zig-zag flight paths, reductions in CO2 emissions, and saved time and money. Norwegian researchers ...

Image: Multi-layer insulation blankets for satellite surfaces

Blankets of multi-layer insulation (MLI) are used to cover satellite surfaces to help insulate them from orbital temperature extremes. These are the reason that satellites often look as though they've been covered in shiny ...

Probing RNA function with 10,000 mutants

Creating and examining 10,296 mutants of a ribozyme leads to a better understanding of these widespread but understudied RNA molecules.

Ultracold atoms in a "Rydberg-dress"

Scientists at the MPQ (Garching) and MPIPKS (Dresden) have developed a novel technique to let atoms interact over large distances.

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