
Russia vows to open up Arctic to energy firms

President Vladimir Putin vowed on Tuesday to conquer ever broader expanses of the Arctic for Russia's oil and natural gas giants while inviting foreign majors to take part in the development boom.

Myanmar aims to bring mobile and Internet to masses

Myanmar fired the starting gun in the process of liberalising its communications networks in a move that could finally bring mobile and Internet access to the masses and drive international investment.

Study shows how menstrual cycle affects consumer behavior

If cramps, mood swings and ice cream binges are what come to mind when you hear the hackneyed phrase that time of the month, think again. Researchers at Concordia University are taking a new look at the menstrual cycle by ...

Warm weather brings out red cockroaches in Naples

The city of Naples in southern Italy is battling an infestation of large red cockroaches brought on by the unseasonally warm weather and unhygienic conditions, health officials said on Tuesday.

Why do low-income couples marry less and divorce more?

People with lower incomes value the institution of marriage just as much as those with higher incomes and have similar romantic standards for marriage, according to a new study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family. ...

White LEDs directly on paper

Imagine a white luminous curtain waving in the breeze. Or wallpaper that lights up your room with perfect white light. The applications are not very far away. White LEDs, made from zinc oxide and a conducting polymer, can ...

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