
An egalitarian Internet? Not so, study says

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Internet is often thought of as a forum that enables egalitarian communication among people from diverse backgrounds and political persuasions, but a University of Georgia study reveals that online discussion ...

The goal? Cooler, smaller, fuel cells

Fuel cells that use hydrogen or methane to generate electricity in chemical reactions while shedding only harmless byproducts like water are dream products for engineers, environmentalists and business leaders searching for ...

Pygmy hippo takes his first swim

He may be tiny but pygmy hippo Sapo made a big splash when he took a dip in his outdoor pool for the first time this week.

Lasers spectacular

The new laser on the Keck I telescope has inspired two avid Mauna Kea photographers to capture the light show in a series of stunning images and videos. We’ve collected some of their work here for your entertainment ...

Chasing EHEC with the computer

Just a few genes make enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) extremely dangerous to humans. If it were not for these genes, EHEC would hardly differ from harmless enteric bacteria. Bioinformatics scientists from the Saarbrücken ...

Voters have up to 5 times more influence in early primaries

Voters in states with early primary races such as Iowa and New Hampshire have up to five times the influence of voters in later states in selecting presidential candidates, according to research by Brown University economist ...

Earth from space: A gush of volcanic gas

This image shows the huge plume of sulphur dioxide that spewed from Chile's Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex, which lies in the Andes about 600 km south of Santiago.

Wii U demos show off secrets, 360-degree views

(AP) -- A look at the eight individual interactive experiences - not actual full-fledged games - that Nintendo used to demonstrate the new Wii U system's 6.2-inch touchscreen controller, which features the ability to detect ...

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