
It is time to create contracts all users can understand

Contracts today are complex and not user-friendly. The documents are written in black and white text, using 'legalese' language, and lack page layout design. The result is that contracts are often left in drawers and are ...

Friendly pelicans breed better

Captive pelicans that are free to choose their own friendships are more likely to breed successfully on repeated occasions, new research suggests.

Mathematicians find core mechanism to calculate tipping points

Climate change, a pandemic or the coordinated activity of neurons in the brain: In all of these examples, a transition takes place at a certain point from the base state to a new state. Researchers at the Technical University ...

Why Germany's coal compromise failed to end the debate

Can expert commissions develop solutions for controversial issues that will enjoy broad democratic support? A team of researchers from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) has analyzed the work of Germany's ...

Making the shift from blue to red for better LEDs

A new micro-light-emitting diode (micro-LED) developed at KAUST can efficiently emit pure red light and may help in the quest to develop full-color displays based on just a single semiconductor.

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