
Will Earth survive when the sun becomes a red giant?

Since the beginning of human history, people have understood that the sun is a central part of life as we know it. It's importance to countless mythological and cosmological systems across the globe is a testament to this. ...

Redesigning roots to help crop plants survive hard times

Among the likely effects of climate change, perhaps the one with the most potential to devastate human and natural communities is drought—not just a dry season or two, but a prolonged lack of rainfall over vast areas, lasting ...

Simplifying the complex design of 3-D printed jewelry

Do-it-yourself jewelry design can bring to mind visions of failed pony bead necklaces or braided friendship bracelets. So when it comes to fashionable jewelry, is it better to leave the design to the professionals? Ask Carnegie ...

A Jurassic world of salamanders

Salamanders are fairly adorable, but often forgotten, animals. Because their skeletons are pretty delicate, the fossil record for this group is spotty, with many ancient forms known only from vertebrae or jaw bones. As ...

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