
Using randomness to protect election integrity

Democratic societies depend on trust in elections and their results. Throughout the 2016 presidential election, and since President Trump's inauguration, allegations of Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential campaign ...

Two new species of orchids discovered in Okinawa

Two new species of parasitic plants have been discovered on the main island of Okinawa, Japan. The discovery was made by Project Associate Professor SUETSUGU Kenji (Kobe University Graduate School of Science), who named them ...

Diamonds coupled using quantum physics

Atomic defects in diamonds can be used as quantum memories. Researchers at TU Wien for the first time have succeeded in coupling the defects in various diamonds using quantum physics.

Astrochemistry: how life may have begun in space

We usually imagine comet impacts as a threat and not as the source of life. But perhaps they were precisely that. Researchers in Bochum are looking for evidence for this theory.

Researchers discover a surprising property of glass surfaces

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a new technique to study the surface of different types of glass. Using this technique, they discovered a surprising property of the top layer of glasses, which ...

Even sex toys can be connected to the internet – and hacked

Your photos aren't safe online. Repeated incidents of celebrities having their internet accounts hacked and intimate pictures distributed across the web have made this clear. Yet one company decided to put a camera into a ...

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