
Israel launches new spy satellite

Israel's Defense Ministry said on Thursday that it has successfully launched a new observation satellite into orbit, one which is expected to be used to observe Iran and hostile militant groups in the Middle East.

One of IPhone founders leaving Apple

One of the pioneers behind the iPhone, software engineer Greg Christie, is leaving Apple, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Americans, Germans clash on US-EU trade standards

Americans and Germans are broadly supportive of a US-EU free-trade pact under negotiation, but differ over details, especially forging similar goods and services standards, according to a survey released Wednesday.

Romania keeps ancient tradition of bee medicine alive

Bee venom to combat multiple sclerosis, pollen for indigestion, honey to heal wounds—the humble bee has been a key source of alternative medicines since ancient times, and Romania is working to keep the tradition of "apitherapy" ...

Cuba plans own social media sites after US row

Cuba plans to launch its own social media networks to counter "subversive" ones such as a Twitter-like app the United States was funding, an official said Wednesday.

Russian cargo ship docks with space station

A Russian cargo ship has successfully docked with the International Space Station Thursday, bringing the crew crucial supplies and water, Russia's space agency said.

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