
Can you love cats too much?

A study into cat ownership looks at whether people who own an excessive number of cats are on the slippery slope to becoming animal hoarders.

New way to protect precious water

Australian scientists have devised a way to model polluted groundwater with computer simulation – and better protect the Earth's main fresh water supply.

Diatoms explain release of CO2

(Phys.org) —Scientists have found unexpectedly high concentrations of opal, a mineral containing silicate, in marine sediments during the transition periods from ice ages to warm phases. The explanation as to what caused ...

A ghostly green bubble: VLT snaps a planetary nebula

(Phys.org) —This intriguing new picture from ESO's Very Large Telescope shows the glowing green planetary nebula IC 1295 surrounding a dim and dying star located about 3300 light-years away in the constellation of Scutum ...

Fox affiliates 'on board' with pay TV plan

(AP)—The head of more than 200 TV stations that relay Fox programming says stations are "on board" with a threat to transition to pay TV if Internet upstart Aereo keeps reselling Fox's signal without paying for rights.

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