
Using cell phone networks to monitor volcanic activity

A paper published February 9 in Earth, Planets and Space by Japanese earth science researchers analyzed the potential of a dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network, which is installed at cell phone base stations, ...

Universal mechanism of methane formation discovered

The formation of the greenhouse gas methane is based on a universal mechanism. Scientists at Heidelberg University and the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg have made this discovery. The interdisciplinary ...

Does prescribed fire threaten quail nests?

Prescribed fires, often called controlled burns, have become increasingly important tools for land management and wildlife conservation. Research shows that they not only prevent forest overcrowding and reduce the risk of ...

How child poverty leads to a lesser life

Poverty and disadvantage put young Australians on the road to a less fulfilling life and schools could play a critical role in breaking the cycle, a new study led by Flinders University says.

Vigilantism is an identity for some people, researchers report

A new study finds that some people routinely monitor the behavior of others and are eager to punish those who violate laws or societal norms, especially when they believe authorities have failed to do so. These self-appointed ...

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