
Paper sheds light on infant universe and origin of matter

A new study, conducted to better understand the origin of the universe, has provided insight into some of the most enduring questions in fundamental physics: How can the Standard Model of particle physics be extended to explain ...

Feeding wildlife can disrupt animal social structures

A team of researchers from the University of Georgia and San Diego State University has found that the practice of feeding wildlife could be more detrimental to animals than previously thought.

Bouquets of nanoflowers with a golden touch

Using nano-sized spheres as a starting point, researcher Juan Wang of the University of Twente (MESA+ Institute) creates fascinating structures that can have a wide range of shapes and functionalities. They can even achieve ...

Researchers solve mystery of Tuvan throat singing

An international research team has uncoupled the mystery of how Tuvan throat singers produce distinctive sounds in which you can hear two different pitches at once—a low rumble and a high whistle-like tone.

Wetting property of Li metal with graphite

The "Rock-chair" Li-ion battery (LIB) was discovered in the late 1970s and commercialized in 1991 by Sony, which has become the primary way we store portable energy today. To honor the contribution for "creating a rechargeable ...

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