
Finger-mounted reading device for the blind

Researchers at the MIT Media Laboratory have built a prototype of a finger-mounted device with a built-in camera that converts written text into audio for visually impaired users. The device provides feedback—either tactile ...

New sensor monitors electric car charging stations

Future visions of electromobility include a comprehensive charging station network. However, it would be impossible to monitor them all in order to protect them from being manipulated. Under the umbrella of the "SecMobil" ...

Scientists prepare for Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

When the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope begins in 2022 to image the entire southern sky from a mountaintop in Chile, it will produce the widest, deepest and fastest views of the night sky ever observed – and a flood of ...

Scientists race to halt decomposition of world's oldest mummies

At least two thousand years before the ancient Egyptians began mummifying their pharaohs, a hunter-gatherer people called the Chinchorro living along the coast of modern-day Chile and Peru developed elaborate methods to mummify ...

Galileo satellites ready for fuelling as launcher takes shape

All the elements for this month's Galileo launch are coming together at Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana. As the two satellites undergo final testing and preparations, the first part of their Soyuz launcher has also been ...

Will next-generation wearable sensors make us healthier?

There is certainly no shortage of headlines on wearable sensors these days. "A contact lens measures your glucose level." "New electronic tattoos could help monitor health during normal daily activities." A "headband can ...

Intergalactic GPS will guide you through the stars

Lost in the Universe? Need some precise navigation through the bulk of stars in the night sky? Don't worry, there will be an instrument for that - the Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (MOONS) at the European ...

Hydrocarbon photocatalysts get in shape and go for gold

A combination of semiconductor catalysts, optimum catalyst shape, gold-copper co-catalyst alloy nanoparticles and hydrous hydrazine reducing agent enables an increase of hydrocarbon generation from CO2 by a factor of ten.

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