
Being smart about SMART environmental targets

Successful environmental conservation needs to focus on the negotiation process, not just the end target, according to new research from the University of Exeter, the University of Queensland, Imperial College London, Bangor ...

The oldest crab larva yet found

A study of a recently discovered fossil published by LMU zoologists reveals the specimen to be the oldest known crab larva: The fossil is 150 million years old, but looks astonishingly modern.

Green solid electrolyte for electrochemical devices

Researchers from the Faculty of Engineering of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, have studied the capability of new polymers derived from potato starch as insulators which do not show any remarkable electro activity.

New pest-fighting, yield-boosting alfalfa to help farmers

Dairy and other livestock farmers in the northern U.S. have three new alfalfa options this growing season – all pioneered by Cornell researchers as a way to combat devastating pests, increase yields and improve forage quality.

Cosmologists spends month searching for meteorites in Anarctica

Every austral summer, a group of volunteers heads off to a remote region of Antarctica to set up a field camp on the ice. For the next month, they search the ice and nearby debris piles left by glaciers for dark rocks that ...

Testing astronauts' lungs in Space Station airlock

Air was pumped out of the International Space Station's air lock for the first time in the name of science last week. Inside the cylindrical Quest airlock, ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and NASA's Terry Virts monitored ...

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