
Speed reading apps are great for snippets but not sonnets

A new app is about to come on the market with promises to dramatically increase the speed at which you read. Spritz is a text streaming technology that allows you to read a sentence, one word at a time. Each word is shown ...

Making it easier to plan offshore wind farms

When planning an offshore wind farm, it is important to consider the wind, waves and the seabed at the location where the turbines will stand. Researchers have now developed a dedicated tool that gives a combined overview ...

EU edges towards renewable energy targets

The European Union is making steady progress towards its 2020 renewable energy target, a key effort in curbing the greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming, official data showed Monday.

Optimized ski sled for Paralympics athlete

At the Paralympics in Sochi next week, a novel ski sled that has been optimized with respect to biomechanics and friction technology will be used. The high-performance sled was developed by the MicroTribology Center, an ...

Image: False-color image of Earth highlights plant growth

On Aug. 3, 2004, NASA's Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft began a seven-year journey, spiraling through the inner solar system to Mercury. One year after launch, the spacecraft ...

Lifesaving sensor for full bladders

A small pressure sensor can make the difference between life and death. The first tests on humans will be carried out in April on patients with spinal injuries at Sunnaas Hospital.

Climate change likely to bring fewer big waves

A warmer climate is likely to result in fewer large waves along Australia's central east coast, according to Bureau of Meteorology research that predicts a decline in the frequency of storms known as East Coast Lows.

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