
Baited video carries baseline data in Cockburn Sound

Annual surveys investigating fish assemblages within Cockburn Sound over six years have led to two important findings that have enabled effective monitoring of fish ecology in the face of proposed developments.

Microwave radar monitors sliding slopes

If entire mountain slopes start to slide, danger threatens. It is not always easy to predict and monitor these mass movements. In an international project, scientists at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, combined ...

Hot fire check test of SpaceX first stage engines

The historic blast off of the first SpaceX rocket equipped with 'landing legs' and also carrying a private Dragon cargo vessel bound for the Space Station is now slated for March 16 following a short and "successful" hot ...

Computer system simulates the behavior of tax evaders

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona researchers have developed a computer model which, in different situations, simulates the behavior of taxpayers when faced with the possibility of committing tax evasion. The simulator, described ...

Meat appeal high on lamb producer list

Consumers' want for visually appealing meat, and the genetic science behind producing such a trait has been explored in a recent summary paper which described key industry findings on the quality of Australian Lamb.

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