
Can bees color maps better than ants?

In mathematics, you need at most only four different colors to produce a map in which no two adjacent regions have the same color. Utah and Arizona are considered adjacent, but Utah and New Mexico, which only share a point, ...

Going to Earth's core for climate insights

(PhysOrg.com) -- The latest evidence of the dominant role humans play in changing Earth's climate comes not from observations of Earth's ocean, atmosphere or land surface, but from deep within its molten core.

AOL cutting over 900 jobs in US, India

Internet company AOL is cutting more than 900 jobs as it joins forces with The Huffington Post and seeks to reinvent itself as a major player in online news.

Rare observation of cosmic explosion

Gamma ray bursts, which are the most powerful bursts of radiation in the universe, have now been observed in direct connection with an exploding giant star - a supernova. Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University ...

Shallow-water shrimp tolerates deep-sea conditions

By studying the tolerance of marine invertebrates to a wide range of temperature and pressure, scientists are beginning to understand how shallow-water species could have colonised the ocean depths.

Weed-eating fish 'key to reef survival'

Preserving an intact population of weed-eating fish may be vital to saving the world's coral reefs from being engulfed by weed as human and climate impacts grow.

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