
Russian Soyuz rocket launches 34 new UK satellites

A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted 34 satellites into space on Thursday for British operator OneWeb, which aims to provide broadband internet everywhere in the world, Moscow's space agency Roscosmos said.

US calls for talks with Mexico on endangered porpoise

Washington has invoked the environmental provisions of the North American free trade pact to urge Mexico to do more to protect the critically endangered vaquita porpoise, officials announced Thursday.

European diets need to change to reduce climate impact

The amount of poultry in European diets isn't conducive to an optimal circular food system, which prioritizes crops that produce healthy foods while reducing or reusing waste streams, a new Cornell University research finds.

France's Nobel winner for co-discovery of HIV virus dies

French scientist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize for medicine for his co-discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS, has died aged 89, the mayor of the Paris suburb where he was hospitalised said Thursday.

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