
When eagles scare—there are other ways to stop a rogue drone

Reckless or criminal uses of drones are on the rise and police forces have reported "a spike" in the number of drone-related incidents in the UK, mirroring the growth in the technology's popularity. This ranges from hobbyist ...

Flow phenomena on solid surfaces

Physicists from Saarland University and the ESPCI in Paris have shown how liquids on solid surfaces can be made to slide over the surface a bit like a bobsleigh on ice. The key is to apply a coating at the boundary between ...

New prototype for remote detection of hazardous gases

Researchers at UPM are developing a low-cost prototype that will remotely detect hazardous gases from the analysis of color changes adopted by certain compounds in the presence of such gases.

Radiation causes blindness in wild animals in Chernobyl

This year marks 30 years since the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Vast amounts of radioactive particles spread over large areas in Europe. These particles, mostly Cesium-137, cause a low but long-term exposure to ionizing radiation ...

Why do some fish eat their own eggs?

Many animals go to great lengths to ensure the survival of their offspring - yet some species actually eat some or all of their babies. Nor is there always an obvious explanation – like a food shortage – for such filial ...

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