
Researchers use Google's cloud to simulate key drug receptor

(Phys.org) —Roughly 40 percent of all medications act on cells' G protein-coupled receptors. One of these receptors, beta 2 adrenergic receptor site (B2AR), naturally transforms between two base configurations; knowing ...

'Affordable housing' for reptiles

Naturally regrowing woodlands in the subtropics can help to reduce declines in Australia's reptiles, scientists have proposed.

Beating cancer through gaming

Current City University London students and alumni have been instrumental in producing a new smartphone game in which players analyse real cancer data with the aim of finding new treatments.

Looking back to the cradle of our universe

(Phys.org) —NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes have spotted what might be one of the most distant galaxies known, harkening back to a time when our universe was only about 650 million years old (our universe is ...

Plants compete for friendly ants

(Phys.org) —Many woodland plants rely on ants to disperse their seeds; such seed dispersal increases the plant population's chance of survival. Robert Warren, assistant professor of biology, has recently demonstrated that ...

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