
Is height important in matters of the heart? New study says yes

Is height important in matters of the heart? According to new research from Rice University and the University of North Texas, the height of a potential partner matters more to women than men, and mostly for femininity and ...

Curiosity crosses Dingo Gap dune

NASA's Curiosity mega rover has successfully crossed over the 'Dingo Gap' sand dune- opening the gateway to the science rich targets in the "Moonlight Valley" and Martian mountain beyond.

NASA technology to help develop noninvasive medical treatments

NASA has signed two patent license agreements with GRoK Technologies LLC of Houston to help develop novel biotechnology approaches that could have multiple applications in space and on Earth. The agreements are the results ...

Flat-pack lens boosts solar power

Micro-machining could be used to create almost flat, Fresnel lenses, that boost the electrical efficiency of solar panels, according to researchers in China.

Sometimes the average just isn't good enough

Computational biologists from the Max F. Perutz Laboratories of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna show that averaging is not always a good thing when it comes to analyzing protein crystal structures. ...

Experts size up potential biodiversity sanctuaries

Western Australian scientists are using laser technology to determine the most carbon-rich areas of southwest forests that may act as a refuge for biodiversity during climate change.

Wasps use ancient aggression genes to create social groups

Aggression-causing genes appeared early in animal evolution and have maintained their roles for millions of years and across many species, even though animal aggression today varies widely from territorial fighting to setting ...

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