
The mystery of coronal heating

Imagine standing around a roaring campfire, roasting s'mores. You feel the warmth of the flames as the marshmallows crackle. Now back away. You get cooler, right?

Nokia brand ready for smartphone comeback in 2017

Nokia, once the world's top mobile phone maker, will make a comeback on the smartphone market in the first half of 2017, the company and its licensee said Thursday.

Suggestions for you: A better, faster recommendation algorithm

The internet is rife with recommendation systems, suggesting movies you should watch or people you should date. These systems are tuned to match people with items, based on the assumption that similar people buy similar things ...

ChargeLounge E-charging station for IKEA customers

IKEA shoppers in Ludwigsburg can now use a special electric charging station. Werner Spec (Ludwigsburg's mayor), Prof. Wilhelm Bauer (Fraunhofer IAO director), Ulf Wenzig (IKEA Germany sustainability manager), and Anja Heinle ...

Children in care need of early education, but too few receive it

Opportunities to narrow the achievement gap between looked after children (children in care) and their peers are being missed because too many of them do not receive good quality early education places, says research funded ...

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