
How trees change the atmosphere

Rising from trees into the atmosphere, isoprene—a colorless, volatile, carbon-containing compound—smells vaguely like tires. It helped give the Blue Ridge Mountain range its name and has a profound effect upon the chemistry ...

A new model for microbial communities in the hyporheic zone

Ecological processes govern seasonal changes in microbial communities living along rivers in the hyporheic zone, where groundwater and surface water mix. These processes have been well-studied in plant and animal communities. ...

Solving mysteries of how water works

Many phenomena depend on the connectivity of hydrogen bonds. Scientists have strived to unlock mysteries about how the network of hydrogen bonds in water controls its behavior since 1806 when Theodor Grotthuss published his ...

LIGO back online, ready for more discoveries

Today (November 30), scientists restarted the twin detectors of LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, after making several improvements to the system. Over the last year, they have made enhancements ...

Image: Optical stabilising reference cavity

What looks like an abstract sculpture is actually the laser equivalent of a tuning fork – to serve a new generation of space instruments.

Songbirds sound the alarm about traffic noise

A new study led by Pacific University biologist Chris Templeton demonstrates that the alarm calls of songbirds are dramatically impaired by road traffic noise. Research by Templeton and colleagues has shown that signals critical ...

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