
Meat and bone meal as a source of phosphorus

Slaughterhouse waste is processed into meat and bone meal and subsequently fed to livestock or incinerated. This meal could be put to better use, though. It contains phosphorus, a scarce mineral used as fertilizer. A new ...

The self-catering houseboat

A life away from traffic noise and exhaust fumes – more and more people are drawn to water. Energy self-sufficient floating homes not only fulfill the criterion for this new lifestyle, they can also boost economy. Medium-sized ...

Electric cars—batteries with brains

The battery is the heart of the electric car. Fraunhofer researchers have developed an energy storage device which is significantly more cost-effective over the entire life cycle in comparison with previous models. If one ...

That laser pointer could be more dangerous than you think

Lasers are rapidly getting cheaper, smaller and better. CD, DVD and BluRay players all brought lasers to use for our entertainment. In science, amazing laser imaging techniques were recognised with the Nobel Prize for Chemistry ...

Can Christmas tree lights really play havoc with your wi-fi?

Ofcom, the UK's independent telephony regulator, has just released a wi-fi checker app for your smart phone. At the same time, it warned in its press release that your Christmas tree fairy lights could affect the quality ...

Offshore wind farms – measuring buoy reduces costs

Building and operating offshore wind farms is an expensive business. To be able to estimate the profitability of the plants, first the wind potential must be determined. Fraunhofer researchers have now created a wind measurement ...

Global warming won't stop the 'green cancer' from spreading

With its enormous green and purple leaves, the South American miconia tree is invading botanic gardens all around the world on account of its beauty. This plant, however, is called the 'green cancer' for its ability to infest ...

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