
ESA image: Comet ISON's swansong

Some had hoped comet ISON would be the comet of the century, lighting Earth's skies during the latter months of 2013. Instead, it was barely visible for ground-based observers, but the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) ...

Smart anti-icing system for rotor blades

In very cold climate zones, the wind can blow with tremendous force. But wind turbines have rarely been built in these regions up to now. The risk of ice formation on the rotor blades is just too high. But now, an energy-efficient ...

Mass extinction led to many new species of bony fish

Today, ray-finned fish, which belong to the bony fish, are by far the most biodiverse fish group in both salt- and freshwater. Their spectacular variety of forms ranges from eels, tuna, flounders and angler fish all the way ...

Proteins off the roll

Protein-coated Petri dishes are increasingly being used to support cell growth during cell cultivation. Scientists have developed a system for printing protein patterns onto film using a roll-to-roll process, which allows ...

The "Potsdam gravity potato" shows variations in Earth's gravity

People tend to think of gravity here on Earth as a uniform and consistent thing. Stand anywhere on the globe, at any time of year, and you'll feel the same downward pull of a single G. But in fact, Earth's gravitational field ...

Perfect chocolate sheen on confection and sweets

White flecks on sweets with a chocolate glaze are harmless – but esthetically unappealing. More than just improper storage can diminish the glossy sheen. Researchers have discovered other weak points in the production process. ...

The strengthening economic case for fossil fuel divestment

The controversy ignited by the Australian National University in October, when it decided to sell its shares in seven resources companies, has raised two important questions about divestment from assets such as fossil fuels.

Sail past Orion to the outer limits of the Milky Way

Several nights ago the chill of interstellar space refrigerated the countryside as temperatures fell well below zero. That didn't discourage the likes of Orion and his seasonal friends Gemini, Perseus and Auriga. They only ...

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