
Study: Small Classes Give Extra Boost to Low-Achieving Students

(PhysOrg.com) -- Small classes in early grades improve test scores in later grades for students of all achievement levels, but low achievers get an extra boost. That’s the finding of a study on the long-term effects of ...

Livestock Can Help Rangelands Recover from Fires

(PhysOrg.com) -- A 14-year study by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Oregon found that rangelands that have been grazed by cattle recover from fires more effectively than rangelands that have been protected ...

A Second Look at Apollo 11

A month after LROC's first image of the Apollo 11 landing site was acquired, LRO passed over again providing the LROC instrument a new view of the historic site.

Deer crashes continue to rise in North Carolina

(PhysOrg.com) -- Motor vehicles crashes involving deer rose to an all-time high in North Carolina in 2008, even as the total number of motor-vehicle crashes and total vehicle miles driven dropped from the previous year.

Killer bees may increase food supplies for native bees

Aggressive African bees were accidentally released in Brazil in 1957. As "killer bees" spread northward, David Roubik, staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, began a 17-year study that revealed that ...

Genetic conflict in fish led to evolution of new sex chromosomes

University of Maryland biologists have genetically mapped the sex chromosomes of several species of cichlid (pronounced "sick-lid") fish from Lake Malawi, East Africa, and identified a mechanism by which new sex chromosomes ...

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