
High-def TVs rule the roost at Berlin's IFA

No-one wants to watch Game of Thrones' bloody fantasy battles on a tiny tablet screen, which is just one reason why cheaper, bigger, higher-definition televisions are the stars of this year's IFA electronics fair in Berlin.

Monster X-ray laser offers glimpse into nano-world (Update)

The world's most powerful X-ray laser opened Friday in Germany, promising to shed new light onto very small things by letting scientists penetrate the inner workings of atoms, viruses and chemical reactions.

After Harvey, misery piles on for Texas plant evacuees

First their neighborhood was deluged by Harvey's torrential rains. Then, officers turned up at the door with more bad news: there is a risk of a chemical blast at a nearby plant and it's time to evacuate.

Top trends at IFA 2017

With just a few months to go until the high-tech spending bonanza of the Christmas season, Berlin's IFA trade fair is the place to spot the trends that will mark high streets this year.

Panama's native tree species excel in infertile tropical soils

Teak, the most valuable species for tropical reforestation, often performs poorly in the acid soils of steeply sloping land in the tropics. As human population skyrockets and land becomes a scarce resource, balancing tradeoffs ...

Nature imagery calms prisoners

Sweeping shots of majestic landscapes. Glaciers, forests and waterfalls. Research published today shows that these images, shown to people deprived of access to nature, can reduce tension, help defuse anger and make some ...

The 'reality' of accent change

A new study of how accents change over differing periods of time demonstrates the limited impact of intense social interactions in isolated environments, and surprisingly large differences among people in how susceptible ...

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