
Flight by Light: Mission accomplished for LightSail 2

Mission accomplished: the Planetary Society announced Wednesday that its LightSail 2 spacecraft, which was launched last month, had successfully raised its orbit using only the power of photons from the Sun.

Buzz kill: mass bee deaths sting Russian beekeepers

Anatoly Rubtsov looked despondently at the beehives lining his property. "The farm used to be loud, it sang," he said. Today just a faint buzz is audible but an overpowering rotting stench hung in the air after his bees were ...

Yelp ratings get better when they cost something—like time

An international team of researchers tested the idea that free online ratings are less trustworthy than those that have some cost to them, drawing from the ecological theory known as "costly signaling theory."

Researchers solve 'hot spot' debate

Volcanic hot spots such as the ones that created the Hawaiian Islands have long been considered stationary points, created by processes deep within the earth's interior.

Mastering metabolism for shark and ray survival

Understanding the internal energy flow—including the metabolism—of large ocean creatures like sharks and rays could be key to their survival in a changing climate, according to a new study.

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