
New system discovered with five planets

NASA's planet-discovering Kepler mission suffered a major mechanical failure in May 2013, but thanks to innovative techniques subsequently implemented by astronomers the satellite continues to uncover worlds beyond our solar ...

LG Innotek unveils flexible textile pressure sensors

LG Innotek today announced a development of new concept textile flexible pressure sensors. This sensor senses pressure from the entire surface of the sensor and it is even bendable.

NASA's Juno and JEDI prepare to unlock the mysteries of Jupiter

On board NASA's Juno spacecraft—which is set to enter Jupiter's orbit on July 4—are instruments that will help scientists answer fundamental questions about not just the solar system's largest planet, but also about Earth ...

Gene amplification – the fast track to infection

Researchers at Umeå University are first to discover that bacteria can multiply disease-inducing genes which are needed to rapidly cause infection. The results were published in Science on 30 June 2016.

Curiosity rover's sand-dune studies yield surprise

Some of the wind-sculpted sand ripples on Mars are a type not seen on Earth, and their relationship to the thin Martian atmosphere today provides new clues about the atmosphere's history.

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