
Nano-supercapacitors for electric cars

Innovative nano-material based supercapacitors are set to bring mass market appeal a good step closer to the lukewarm public interest in Germany. This movement is currently being motivated by the advancements in the state-of-the-art ...

A simpler way to test for water pollution

Some of the toxins found in our air and waterways were put there intentionally: DDT, for instance, was introduced to protect against malaria and other insect-borne diseases. Others find their way into the environment unintentionally.

The science that stumped Einstein

In 1908, the physics world woke up to a puzzle whose layers have continued to stump the greatest scientists of the century ever since. That year, Dutch physicist Kamerlingh Onnes cooled mercury down to -450° Fahrenheit and ...

Formula calculates thickness of bombproof concrete

A new type of steel-reinforced concrete protects buildings better from bomb attacks. Researchers have developed a formula to quickly calculate the concrete's required thickness. The material will be used in the One World ...

Image: Saturn's shadows

It may seem odd to think of planets casting shadows out in the inky blackness of space, but it is a common phenomenon. Earth's shadow obscures the Moon during a lunar eclipse, and Jupiter's moons cast small shadows onto their ...

Merging galaxies illuminate the cosmic food chain

(Phys.org) —Scientists studying a 'twin' of the Milky Way have used the W. M. Keck Observatory and Subaru Observatory to accurately model how it is swallowing another, smaller galaxy. Their findings have opened the way ...

Parasite-free honey bees enable study of bee health

An international team of researchers has discovered honey bee colonies in Newfoundland, Canada, that are free of the invasive parasites that affect honey bees elsewhere in the world. The populations offer a unique opportunity ...

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