
To reel in job, study suggests casting multiple nets

The counterintuitive appeal of Stanford University sociologist Mark Granovetter's theory about "the strength of weak ties" being key to finding a job has steadily grown since he first published it in 1973.

FloChiP, a new tool optimizing gene-regulation studies

In the cell, proteins often interact directly with DNA to regulate and influence the expression of genes. For this to happen, proteins need to travel into the cell's nucleus where the DNA is tightly twisted and packed as ...

Hot stars are plagued by giant magnetic spots

Astronomers using European Southern Observatory (ESO) telescopes have discovered giant spots on the surface of extremely hot stars hidden in stellar clusters. Not only are these stars plagued by magnetic spots, some also ...

Faster and greener purification process with carbon dioxide

In order for pharmaceuticals to be safe, they must be clean of pollutants. Carbon dioxide can be used to make the purification process more environmentally friendly, which may seem paradoxical since carbon dioxide is usually ...

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