
Doubt over 'volcanic winter' after Toba super-eruption

(Phys.org) —New research from Oxford University casts doubt on the theory that the Mount Toba super-eruption, which took place at the Indonesian island of Sumatra 75,000 years ago, could have plunged the Earth into a volcanic ...

X-rays paint a picture of Picasso's pigments

(Phys.org) —Pablo Picasso is widely regarded as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, having pioneered a variety of new styles in painting, sculpture, and other artistic forms. Besides introducing ...

California exceeds low-carbon fuel standard targets

Since California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard went into effect in 2011, low carbon transportation fuels have displaced roughly 2.14 billion gallons of gasoline and 77 million gasoline gallon equivalents of diesel, according ...

The day NASA's Fermi dodged a 1.5-ton bullet (w/ video)

(Phys.org) —NASA scientists don't often learn that their spacecraft is at risk of crashing into another satellite. But when Julie McEnery, the project scientist for NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, checked her email ...

New study shows kiwi call in perfect harmony

(Phys.org) —A group of researchers at Victoria University studying the little spotted kiwi are uncovering surprising results about our national bird's behaviour.

The surprising ooze factor of glass

(Phys.org) —Reach for a tall glass of iced tea. Don't drink. Look at the glass instead. The glass is an amorphous solid, consisting of molecules jumbled in disarray. It's the complete opposite of the ice in your drink. ...

Post-election partisanship among millennials deepens, poll finds

A new national poll of America's 18- to 29- year-olds by Harvard's Institute of Politics (IOP), located at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, finds a slight majority (52%) of Millennials overall continuing to approve ...

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