
NASA's Roman mission predicted to find 100,000 transiting planets

NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will create enormous cosmic panoramas, helping us answer questions about the evolution of our universe. Astronomers also expect the mission to find thousands of planets using two different ...

New insights into the formation of bulk metallic glasses

With the ability to produce metallic glass in bulk quantities, the distinct mechanical behavior of these materials has opened up new application opportunities. However, the poor room temperature plasticity of bulk metallic ...

Melting ice sheets caused sea levels to rise up to 18 meters

It is well known that climate-induced sea level rise is a major threat. New research has found that previous ice loss events could have caused sea-level rise at rates of around 3.6 meters per century, offering vital clues ...

Canada rejects outright ban on bee-killing pesticides

Canada's health agency announced Wednesday restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in agriculture to protect aquatic insects, backtracking on a proposed outright ban prompted by a massive bee die-off.

Croatia acts to save its iconic Istrian goat

With wavy horns and a sturdy build, the Istrian goat stands proudly on Croatia's national flag. But in the pastures where the white-furred animal hails from, the breed is almost nowhere to be seen.

Mothers bear the cost of the pandemic shift to remote work

For many parents, the COVID-19 pandemic has made life's everyday juggling act—managing work, school, extracurricular, and household responsibilities—much, much harder. And according to a new study led by Penn sociologists, ...

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