
Data-driven study digs into the state of U.S. farm livelihoods

U.S. agricultural systems are world leaders in the production of food, fuel and fiber. This high level of production enables U.S. consumers to spend an average of only 8.6 percent of their disposable income on food, a percentage ...

How one marine chemistry lab slashed their carbon footprint

Laboratories may consume large quantities of plastics, generate waste, and emit greenhouse gases. A report published in PLOS Sustainability and Transformation by Jane Kilcoyne and her colleagues at the Marine Institute, Galway, ...

New astrobiology research predicts life 'as we don't know it'

The search for alien life has been restricted to using life on Earth as the reference, essentially looking for "life as we know it" beyond Earth. For astrobiologists looking for life on other planets, there are simply no ...

A not-so-solid lake ice season

Mountain lakes provide freshwater for roughly half the world's population. Yet a shifting climate could impact the reliability of this resource by altering the temperature patterns that govern lake conditions and influence ...

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