
Biofuels can replace about 30% of fuel needs

With world oil demand growing, supplies dwindling and the potential for weather- and conflict-related supply interruptions, other types of fuels and technologies are needed to help pick up the slack.

The little beam that could

Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Nevada, Reno, Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Germany, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Germany, have ...

New Honda Accord drives itself

Japanese car manufacturer Honda has launched a new self-driven car. Dubbed Honda Accord ADAS, the vehicle can change gear and steer itself around bends. While the auto-pilot function will currently only operate on motorways ...

Twin Rovers Advance Understanding Of Mars

NASA's Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been working overtime to help scientists better understand ancient environmental conditions on the red planet. The rovers are also generating excitement about the exploration ...

Shenzhou VI Orbital Module Works Well 100 Days

The orbital module from China's Shenzhou 6 manned spacecraft has been in normal operation for 100 days, since separating from the re-entry module on Oct 17 last year.

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