
Estonian turtle-robot searches for shipwrecks and treasure

The Baltic seabed, littered with war debris and shipwrecks, has fascinated historians and researchers through the ages. But the underwater search robots they use pose problems by further disturbing the silty waters with their ...

Japanese space probe goes into orbit around Venus

Japan's space agency said Wednesday its "Akatsuki" probe had successfully entered into orbit around Venus after an initial attempt at reaching the second planet from the sun failed five years ago.

VLT revisits a curious cosmic collision

The spectacular aftermath of a 360 million year old cosmic collision is revealed in great detail in new images from ESO's Very Large Telescope at the Paranal Observatory. Among the debris is a rare and mysterious young dwarf ...

New study reveals belugas blow bubbles based on mood

A newly-released study by Canisius College Professor of Animal Behavior Michael Noonan, PhD, is providing insight as to why beluga whales blow bubbles underwater and how their different shaped bubbles may be indicative of ...

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