
Increase in forest fires may damage the crucial ozone layer

All particles that reach the atmosphere cause different chemical reactions. Particles come partly from natural sources such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires, and partly from pollution and emissions. Aerosol researcher ...

Where do rehabbed turtles go?

When a wild turtle recovers from an accident and is released back into the wild, what happens next? A new study from North Carolina State University reveals that finding those answers can often be just as challenging as saving ...

Study explores how risk tolerance changes around payday

People living in poverty often struggle from payday to payday. Those who receive government assistance, such as welfare or pensions, must manage scarce resources to make ends meet until the next payment. Researchers from ...

Newly-discovered 'margarita snails' from the Florida Keys

The "Margaritaville" in Jimmy Buffett's famous song isn't a real place, but it's long been associated with the Florida Keys. This string of tropical islands is home to the only living coral barrier reef in the continental ...

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