
How effective are language learning apps?

Now more than ever, people who want to learn a new language turn to their mobile devices for help as language learning applications have become increasingly available. While these apps allow users to study a new language ...

California's climate refugia: Mapping the stable places

Some landscapes can hold their own against climate change better than others.A studyfrom the University of California, Davis, maps these places, called "climate refugia," where existing vegetation is most likely to buffer ...

Patterns in permafrost soils could help climate change models

The Arctic covers about 20% of the planet. But almost everything hydrologists know about the carbon-rich soils blanketing its permafrost comes from very few measurements taken just feet from Alaska's Dalton Highway.

Study tracks decades of life cycle changes in nonwoody plants

For 25 years, Carol Augspurger visited a patch of ancient woods near Urbana to look at the same 25 one-square-meter plots of earth she first demarcated for study in 1993. She surveyed the plots once a week in spring and summer, ...

Seven factors contributing to American racism

"American racism is alive and well," begins a new journal article led by Steven O. Roberts, a Stanford psychologist, that arrives during a time of heightened attention to racial injustice in the United States.

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