
Mapping out a biorobotic future  

You might not think a research area as detailed, technically advanced and futuristic as building robots with living materials would need help getting organized, but that's precisely what Vickie Webster-Wood and a team from ...

Targeting cancer cells by measuring electric currents

EPFL researchers have used electrochemical imaging to take a step forward in mapping the distribution of biomolecules in tissue. This technology, which uses only endogenous markers – rather than contrast agents – could ...

Studying gas mask filters so people can breathe easier

In research that could lead to better gas mask filters, scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have been putting the X-ray spotlight on composite materials in respirators ...

Rethinking transcription factors and gene expression

Transcription—the reading of a segment of DNA into an RNA template for protein synthesis—is fundamental for nearly all cellular processes, including growth, responding to stimuli, and reproduction. Now, Whitehead Institute ...

Strongly anisotropic spin relaxation observed in graphene

Researchers of the ICN2 Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, led by ICREA Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela, have unambiguously demonstrated the anisotropic nature of spin relaxation in graphene when interfaced with transition ...

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