
The glaciers are going

As can be seen above, the Waggonwaybreen glacier in Svalbard, Norway, has retreated substantially since 1900. Svalbard's glaciers are not only retreating, they are also losing about two feet of their thickness each year. ...

Sharks: How a cull could ruin an ecosystem

An Australian summer rarely passes without another chilling headline about a shark attack. And while the first response to the now seemingly regular attacks is to call for a cull, killing them is not the answer.

There's a mathematical formula for choosing the fastest queue

It seems obvious. You arrive at the checkouts and see one queue is much longer than the other, so you join the shorter one. But, before long, the people in the bigger line zoom past you and you've barely moved towards the ...

Classroom study measures vision and NAPLAN achievement

QUT researchers have investigated how vision can affect a child's ongoing learning, with results showing 30 per cent of Year 3 students tested had uncorrected eye problems that could affect their NAPLAN performances.

SpaceX details plans to launch thousands of internet satellites

SpaceX and Tesla-founder Elon Musk has made some rather bold promises over the years. In addition to building a fleet of reusable rockets, an Interplanetary Transport System, colonizing Mars, and revolutionizing transportation, ...

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