
Mutating quantum particles set in motion

In the world of fundamental particles, you are either a fermion or a boson but a new study from the University of Cambridge shows, for the first time, that one can behave as the other as they move from one place to another.

France summit seeks action on ocean protection

World leaders, scientists and major companies gather in France this week to boost efforts to protect the oceans, which cover 70 percent of the planet but receive far less attention than land ecosystems.

Climate change fuels drop in Albania's migrant birds

Thousands of migratory birds have failed to make their annual visit to Albania's western coast this winter, experts say, pointing to climate change, overfishing and urbanisation as likely factors.

Archaeologists study small Roman town excavated near Aylesbury

As part of HS2's archaeology program, archaeologists have excavated a Roman town in Fleet Marston, near Aylesbury, discovering more about what life was like in Roman Britain, two thousand years ago. Archaeologists from COPA ...

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