
Custom-made gels suitable for drug delivery

That gels based on proteins from yeasts can be used as drug delivery systems and carriers of antibodies is the most important conclusion from the Helena Teles’ doctoral research at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. ...

Restoring coastal wetlands? Check the soil

Rising sea levels and coastal development are threatening coastal freshwater wetlands with saltwater intrusion. While most ecosystem restoration projects have focused on surface water and groundwater, new research finds that ...

NY lawsuit seeks to halt suspicionless searches

(AP) -- A New York lawsuit seeks to stop the government from snooping in the laptops, cell phones and cameras of international travelers when there is no probable cause.

Ripples in the cosmic background

(PhysOrg.com) -- The universe was created 13.73 billion years ago in a blaze of light -- the big bang. We also think that, about 380,000 years later, after matter (mostly hydrogen atoms) had cooled enough for neutral atoms ...

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