
Flip-flop qubits: Radical new quantum computing design invented

Engineers at Australia's University of New South Wales have invented a radical new architecture for quantum computing, based on novel 'flip-flop qubits', that promises to make the large-scale manufacture of quantum chips ...

Nissan adds range to cheaper Leaf, but new drivers are key

Nissan's new Leaf electric car will go farther on a charge and has a new type of drive technology and the possibility of single-pedal driving. It will also be cheaper, though the world's top-selling electric car still won't ...

Tribe near Brazil's biggest city fights to hold on

Located next to Sao Paulo, one of the world's biggest cities, the Guarani-Mbya tribe's reservation here was always easy to miss. Under a new law, it risks disappearing almost altogether.

Dog helps sniff out invasive ants on California island

Scientists assessing long-term efforts to eradicate invasive ants on the Channel Islands off the Southern California coast have enlisted a four-legged expert to make sure a project to kill off the destructive pests has succeeded.

Earthquake swarm continues to rattle southeastern Idaho

More than 100 aftershocks have rattled southeastern Idaho since a 5.3 magnitude quake hit near the town of Soda Springs late last week, and experts say they could continue for another week or so.

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