
Composer reveals musical chords' hidden geometry

Composers often speak of fitting chords and melodies together, as though sounds were physical objects with geometric shape -- and now a Princeton University musician has shown that advanced geometry actually does offer a ...

Stress Management: X-Rays Reveal Si Thin-Film Defects

Pile-ups, bad on the freeway, also are a hazard for the makers of high-performance strained-silicon semiconductor devices. A sensitive X-ray diffraction imaging technique developed by researchers at the National Institute ...

New Ion Trap May Lead to Large Quantum Computers

Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have designed and built a novel electromagnetic trap for ions that could be easily mass produced to potentially make quantum computers large enough for practical ...

Solitons could power molecular electronics, artificial muscles

Scientists have discovered something new about exotic particles called solitons. Since the 1980s, scientists have known that solitons can carry an electrical charge when traveling through certain organic polymers. A new study ...

Eutelsat satellite arrives at launch site

Eutelsat's latest telecommunications satellite arrived Thursday at the site in Kazakhstan where it will be readied for launch early next month.

New video site will pay content creators

As YouTube, Google Video and other video Web sites continue to explode in popularity, a lot of content production is being asked of users with nothing in return. Enter Kevin Flynn.

Naples, Milan named worst environment

A study by Italy's Environmental Research Institute has named two Italian cities, Naples and Milan, as the least eco-friendly towns in Europe.

Hackers crack PSP security upgrades

Independent programmers have made available a program that downgrades PlayStation Portable security software to a more tinkering-friendly version.

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